Saturday 22 October 2011


take a trip back in time for a while, 1933 to be exact! the year that professional tennis master Rene Lacoste teamed up with Andre Gillier (french knitwear giant) and started sewing small embroidered crocodile’s on polo shirts.
Tennis was the intended arena for these polo shirt but other sports soon followed suit, by around the 1950s lacoste were producing shirts for golf and sailing. It was also around this time that Rene Lacoste grew his business and moved from the all white of the tennis courts to a range of colour’s for the elite sportsman and their upper-class wealthy followers.
For us at red square Lacoste has been at the heart of our business since the day it first graced our shelves 21 years ago and has since has grew from strength to strength with the ever evolving vast spectrum of colours in their now world renoundL1212 polo.
Lacoste is a brand that has seen off all competition and survived a world war. Just goes to show Quality lasts forever!

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